We are working on developing several web portals related the Audiovisual AV industry Worldwide. These portals will provide information, education and platforms to connect with manufacturers, dealers, distributors, and other AV industry related companies and Businesses. We will also provide platforms to find AV professionals any specialization and connect with them anywhere in the world..
• AVindustry.org
AVindustry.org will be a membership-based organization and will represent AV industry worldwide. We will be publishing news and information about the industry. We intend to play a vital role for the progress, development, and innovations in technologies related to AV Industry worldwide..
• AVequipment.com
AVequipment.com is being designed to provide information about audio visual equipment, their manufacturers, distributors and dealers. We will provide links to our member AV companies worldwide and promote their products and services.
• AVCompanies.com
Audiovisual companies all over the world will be able to register and post their information on this directory portal. There will be categories based on specialization and the role in the industry like manufacturing, distribution, design, installation etc. Those looking for AV companies shall be able to connect.
• AVdirectory.com
This global directory portal will provide links to other portals like AV companies , AV manufacturers, AV dealers and AV professionals. This will also have directory of AV related organizations and Events.
• AVuniversity.com
This world class educational portal will provide online and offline educational and training degree and certificate courses. Leaders of AV industry will be invited to teach, speak and advise. AV university will also play an effective role in research and development.
• AVprofessionals.com
AV professionals specializing in different sectors of the industry worldwide shall be able to post their information, resumes and availability. Organizations and individuals needing their services will be able to connect and communicate with them. This will also serve as a networking platform for AV professionals.
• AVmanufacturers.com
A directory portal for manufacturers of AV equipment, especially those who produce quality products but need exposure to AV industry professionals and end users. We invite the manufactures of AV equipment anywhere in the World to contact us for help to promote their products.
• AVdistributors.com
A directory portal for Distributors of AV equipment, especially those who deal with quality products but need exposure to AV industry professionals and end users. We invite the distributors of AV equipment anywhere in the World to contact us for help to promote their companies.
• AVdealers.com
A directory portal for Dealers of AV equipment, especially the ones who deal with quality products but need exposure to AV industry professionals and end users. We invite the dealers of AV equipment anywhere in the World to contact us for help to promote their dealership.
I invite all providers of AV industry products and services to team up with me and promote their brands to global markets.
My contact information:
Physical address:
12922 SE 299th Street
Auburn, WA 98092
Email: shah@avrent.com
Phone / WhatsApp:+1-206-856-0274